Good Things At Home

Writing for Yourself

Writing For Yourself

Today I want to share with you some additional thoughts I’ve had about this 21 Day Writing Challenge and getting you writing for yourself.

First and for most – this is for you.  Don’t get hang up with the idea that this has to be published.  The idea behind this challenge is get the thoughts that swirl in your head on paper.

What you choose to do with this “paper” is up to you in the future.  So how is it going – have you started?  How do you feel?

Secondly – I want you to start writing.  It is so great to hear ourselves think, especially out loud.  Some of us have friends or family that will listen without judgement.  When we express thoughts and ideas out loud, they sound different either in a good way or a “I can’t believe I thought that”.  Both bring awareness of things that should be shared or those that should be delete from our thoughts.

Thirdly –  Some of the folks in the group are publishing their writings and we have some great story tellers.  This part may not be for everyone, but it’s good to hear what others have to share.

It all depends where you are and what you’d like to accomplish with this writing of the journey.

So have a great day,  keep writing,
