
Wishing or Working?

Wishing or Working?

What do you do more of –  wishing or working?  Doesn’t it just seem like “Wishing” would be easier?  Someday it seems it is just “off to work I go” with little to show for my efforts.   That is okay for a while BUT what is your end goal?  Do you have one?

Planning and dreaming of where you want to end up is hard work.  Taking the time to plan for your destination is a great effort.  You don’t just go on your vacation time, you plan for it.  So the efforts and time put forth to accomplish your dreams are well worth it too.

Sure it needs refreshing now and again but without a goal/dream, we usually hit nothing!  The emptiness of no place to land is harsh.

Working for the Dream!

So working towards your dreams and goals is a strategy.  Finding something you enjoy doing and that you are moved by are great things to add in.  That means you will enjoy the process of getting there.

Some say that working intently for a period of time is all it takes.  In life there are twists and turns that can be unexpected or expected – accounting for these makes the journey interesting.

Planning and keeping the end in mind no matter how complicated life’s journey becomes is essential to completing your goal.

So think, plan, and dream of where you are headed – Where do you want to land when you land?

When you are ready, I have some ideas for you to fine-tune the journey.

Until then – keep dreaming.



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