Life Story Changers

Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours?

Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours?

It is just crazy some of the ideas that run through our minds at times! I just wonder “where I was” or “where the heck did that come from”

Thoughts are just apart of being alive and of course that is what we want – so can we control them? I think that we can.

Our thoughts are made up of what we feed ourselves. From our conversations, from TV, friends and family, what we read and listen too. Then I think that we take parts of ideas or conversations and from that something totally new is created.

Are you a humorous person? Do you take most things seriously in life? Are you a worrier? When we become aware of these traits that we have it helps.

My husband for one, has some very crazy and wild dreams or in my opinion nightmares. We sometimes wonder about where these ideas that create such wild imagery come from. I’ve been encouraging he to write a book – it would be a best seller for sure.

So if we may not be able to control our first thought of the morning but why if it negative or hurtful would you want to hold on to it. If it disrupts our bodies or sets us up for a negative day, we don’t need it. I have started saying the word “delete” to myself when a thought comes into my mind that I don’t want to think on or dwell on. At first it seems kind of crazy but you know in time it really does work. In that way I can control the direction of my thoughts.

There is a scripture verse that say “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” I’ve wondered for years as a kid how that is.  As life has gone on, it is more evident to me how our thoughts shape the people we become.  Oh yes there is environment, lifestyle, family and friends influence but those are the experiences that we have in life. We choose to stay or hang on to those experiences because of a choice we make.

You’ve heard the quote of Billy Sunday – “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”  So if this is true, you decide what and where you want to be.  Focus and start in the direction that you want to end up at.

I’ve started reevaluating more closely that things that I have held to be fact for many years. Does it mean that it is all negative, by all means “NO”.   It’s just now I want the things in my life that are going to help and encourage me, and shed that the things that served me negatively.

People say things in a very random way, I’ve have done it as well and sometimes those words stay with people a very long time. They believe what you said or they think on them for way too long.  We can and should let some of those thoughts go and be on our way “Delete, delete”

What do you want to be -“Think on those things.”

Hey that’s all for now, have an amazing day – Make it great!

