• Season 2023

    Integrating room spray into our homes offers a delightful enhancement to our living spaces. The drive to create something as seemingly simple yet profoundly impactful as room spray often stems from a deep-rooted desire for creativity, distinct from the conventional arts like painting or drawing, which might not resonate with everyone. The allure of room spray lies in its portability and ease of use. It provides a quick and effective way to infuse any space with a refreshing or calming aroma. Unlike the commitment of running diffusers, which I adore for their ability to disperse essential oils, room sprays offer…

  • Room Sprays

    Room Spray is a great addition to our home.  So fun and easy to use! Is there a rhythm or reason for you to start crafting? room spray I get into my system when I need to be creative.  Please don’t ask me to paint or draw from what I feel!!  That does not work for me. Easy to Move Around I love my essential oils, and as much as I love running my diffusers, sometimes that is just too much.  That is where the love of a room spray comes to life.  When just a little bit is enough, it…