• Habits . . . . We All Have Them

    Habits – Do You Like All Of Yours? Good or bad we all have them!  Good habits can take us places.   Habits can be changed like the foods we eat, choosing healthy foods, getting exercise on a regular basis, reading for a committed amount of time each day.  The list can go on and on.  It will vary for each individual. Habits can be not so good as well also because of where they take us.  Just think of the opposite results of the habits named above. My next thought is – “Are habits created only in the physical…

  • Work Hard . . .

    Work hard in silence let your success be your noise! Frank Ocean     I’d remind you that your Hard Work should be Smart Work, too!   Nancy

  • Your New Year’s Resolutions

    I’ve got some bad news: All of your New Year’s resolutions are going to fail and there’s no one to blame but you.  This article is from Success Magazine, visit with this link. Here’s the hard truth about life that people don’t want to embrace: Values and identity drive behavior. There it is. I said it. You’re not controlled by the economy, your family or who’s elected president. You’re controlled by your own mind and your belief about who you are. If you believe you’re lazy, you’ll act lazy. If you think it’s OK to give up on your New…