Life Story Changers - Personal Growth

Expanding Your World . . . Reading

Reading to Expand Your World

When my boys were young, we would spend time reading every afternoon.  We’d take 20 or so little books that they were interested in – many times it would be the same ones for a few weeks.  They would pretty much have the book memorized by the time I was ready to start with a new favorite.


We all read quite a bit and I’m so glad that it is a great habit to have.  Paint your own pictures for the stories that you read.  I think I do a better job of creating the movie for the book!  What do you think, do you also like your own paintings?


Reading is a wonderful way to visit places, sites, historical events and even people.  Reading is a great way to learn a new skills, habits or hobbies that you’d like to incorporate into your life.


So my encouragement to you is – pick up a book – mystery, fiction, non-fiction, self-help – the one of your choice and visit a new skill or hobby today – just to dream bigger.


Nancy Webb Todd


PS – Start with this one – Dream Your Live Amazing