
Ping Pongs . . . How to Live With Them

Ping Pongs

Do you find that you have a season of Ping Pongs?

What the heck is a ping pong – you might ask? I’m so glad that you did!

Ping pongs are those distractions and experiences that interrupt the activities you have scheduled for your day. They may come to us in our thoughts; something we see might trigger the memory; or someone else comes to you to ask for assistance!

So what can we do about them! Great question?

Here are three ways to deal with them.

1. Just do it right now. In this case, “it” is not a big deal or task and we can have done and behind us quickly. So Do IT!

2. Reschedule “it” is another part of our day. When doing this we need to write into the schedule, now so that we don’t have to think about it again while we are working on things that have been scheduled or planned.

3. We can delegate. Sometimes there are tasks that can be passed on to others that can do them more efficiently and quickly. So if this is how you can deal with the new “ping pong” or “it” that popped into your head – make the call now or write it down to do on your next break.

I’m experiencing a few of these, as we get back in to the season for farming.  Seems that I’m running for errands but  know that they are coming and I know how important my help is with these.  So I plan to add my “must do activities” on the errand and so I’m accomplishing what I need to do as well.  It’s not always easy but sometimes it’s not as hard as it seems to be interrupted.

Whatever way you decide to handle the ping pongs in your like,  just know that you will accomplish alot more if you have a strategy for dealing with them. Pick one that will be your go to solution. Then stick with that for awhile, to see if that is the solution that will work for you.

I’ll leave you with this quote by Stephen Covey –

I hope that makes your day a bit easier with more focused and productive.

Nancy Webb Todd

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