Personal Growth

My Take on Productivity

Productivity, How Do You Measure Yours


My Take on Productivity

I want to share with you a few thoughts I have on productivity.  I believe the circumstances of our lives should dictate where the emphasize should be.  Let me explain.

Category One

The first category that I have is working with children or my boys.  I want them to be valued and heard.  So at times the hurry or rush of life needs to be put on hold.  They need time to express their thoughts and ideas for the project we are working on.  So the “allotted” time needs to be enough that those elements of the project can be accomplished with all the goals of the time together being met.


Category Two

The second category would be when I’m working with other adults.  So the time allowed here is also got to be enough but I believe we can work at little faster than with children.  Pace your time and productivity to the person(s) you are with.  We each have an ideal work pace but when working with others, we need to use consideration.  Another issue is getting sidetracked and stall out, either we need to take a break or finish the project at another time.


Category Three

The third situation is working on your own.  I believe that we sometimes push ourselves like we are superman/women.  We beat ourselves up or invest more time in projects than they are worth.  Taking breaks or setting time limits is beneficial to our creativity and productivity.  I am the worst at both of these as I like to finish my projects but with a family, I have to modify those impulses for a season.  It is good for me as well.


So evaluate yourself for your own benefit, make the changes that you can, and strive to be the best version of yourself – with each season of life may look different, embrace it.

Most don’t be too hard on yourself!

Nancy Webb Todd

PS – You may find this to be a helpful tool.