Good Things At Home

Lemon Curd

With my hens laying eggs abundantly, I found myself in need of a solution for the surplus. That’s when I stumbled upon lemon curd—a sweet serendipity born from necessity. While I had heard of it and perhaps even tasted it before, I had never ventured to make it myself. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, as I now had an ample supply of fresh eggs at my disposal.

Following the original recipe faithfully, I embarked on my lemon curd-making odyssey, only to discover that, as with many culinary endeavors, adjustments were necessary to suit my taste. Through a process of experimentation and adaptation, I crafted a version that satisfied my palate and left me eager to share it with others.

After gaining approval from our state’s regulatory authorities, I proudly introduced my lemon curd to the local Farmer’s Market. It’s been a joy to see others delight in the fruits of my labor, turning surplus eggs into a cherished delicacy that brings a burst of sunshine to their tables.

Lemon Curd

Here is where you can find it – our farm store.

How do we use it?

I love it by the teaspoon.  I’m getting the full flavor without any other.  It is also great in these ways:

  • on a graham cracker
  • with a bagel & cream cheese with a dulp of lemon curd
  • with plain yogurt

What is it like?

What’s it like? Our lemon curd boasts a velvety, pudding-like texture, exquisitely smooth with a tantalizing balance of tanginess and sweetness.

Indulge in this culinary delight and let its vibrant flavor brighten your day!