Life Story Changers

Habits . . . . We All Have Them

Habits – Do You Like All Of Yours?

Good or bad we all have them!  Good habits can take us places.   Habits can be changed like the foods we eat, choosing healthy foods, getting exercise on a regular basis, reading for a committed amount of time each day.  The list can go on and on.  It will vary for each individual.

Habits can be not so good as well also because of where they take us.  Just think of the opposite results of the habits named above.

My next thought is – “Are habits created only in the physical world?” I say definitely NO.

I have transformed myself and my life by my habits. “As a man thinketh, so is he”.   I had trouble digesting this statement for many years because I didn’t believe or was aware of what I thought about my thoughts. Or that they were controllable.  They are – it is great once I tried it and could see what happens when I did!  You have to try it!

You probably have heard this before  ‘a habit takes 21 days to make or break’.   The habit of being aware of our thoughts may take longer but you will be so glad that you stuck with it. You will love the place you will go.

What a fulfilling and exciting place to arrive.  Examine your habits – you’ll be better for it.

Nancy Webb Todd#livinglifechanged

PS – Blogging is really great.  You should try it by writing your experiences or your thoughts, makes you aware of who you are! Email me – – about this if you are interested in doing more.

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