• Expanding Your World . . . Reading

    Reading to Expand Your World When my boys were young, we would spend time reading every afternoon.  We’d take 20 or so little books that they were interested in – many times it would be the same ones for a few weeks.  They would pretty much have the book memorized by the time I was ready to start with a new favorite.   We all read quite a bit and I’m so glad that it is a great habit to have.  Paint your own pictures for the stories that you read.  I think I do a better job of creating…

  • Reflections for Executing Dreams in 2017

    This year is winding up pretty quickly.  That is not always a bad thing but it does cause me to reflect and think.  How did I spend my 2016?  Am I happy with the experiences that I had and shared with those important to me?  Would I do most of it over again? What did I miss?  What would move me to execute greater dreams in 2017? What questions or statement do you talk to yourself about, if any, at the end of an experience or month or year!  These are good evaluation are excellent in any process of measurement.…

  • Blossoms Will Come

    The blossoms will come – so what you are planting does make a difference.  Take the time to look at your space.  What would you change?  How could you make that change?  These ideas are you waiting for you to plant them.  Take a look here this is a great place to start. Nancy nancy@nancywebbtodd.com  

  • That Little Voice in Your Head

    When it happens and that “little voice in your head” talks to you, how do you react?  Most of us brush it off, because we are too busy to listen.  What if we took the time to jot down what that thought was, so we could pursue it at a quieter time in our day. Where do those thoughts stir from!  Are they from the inner most part of our being?  Our sub-conscious speaking to us because we need pick something up as we are shopping.  Maybe it is a shift in the way our thoughts are headed that could…

  • Are You A List Person?

    Do list work in your life?  They work for me, if I can keep them where I need them.  So many apps for this any more.  I like seeing things get crossed off, I guess it’s that sense of accomplishment. Having said that, I realize that all of life is not just about the accomplishment of the list, too.  So much more! I found an article with a list: “21 Things I Wished I Knew When I was 21.” Where were you when you were 21? Remember what your thoughts included, then. This article is a reset. We can evaluate where…