• Getting it Done! . . . In 15 Minutes!

    Getting it Done! In 15 Minutes!  Are you kidding me?   I know what you are saying – what the heck can I get done of anything in 15 minutes? I’ll grant you it is a very small period of time but if you think about it, when you are focused, set the timer and go for it, you can get a lot done. Let’s name just a few things for Getting It Done dust a room write 3 paragraphs clean a bathroom make a 5 ingredient dinner read a book to your child exercise or yoga brainstorm for your…

  • Your New Year’s Resolutions

    I’ve got some bad news: All of your New Year’s resolutions are going to fail and there’s no one to blame but you.  This article is from Success Magazine, visit with this link. Here’s the hard truth about life that people don’t want to embrace: Values and identity drive behavior. There it is. I said it. You’re not controlled by the economy, your family or who’s elected president. You’re controlled by your own mind and your belief about who you are. If you believe you’re lazy, you’ll act lazy. If you think it’s OK to give up on your New…

  • Reason For the Season

    Luke 2 The Message (MSG) The Birth of Jesus 2 1-5 About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David’s town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant. 6-7 While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth…

  • Reflections for Executing Dreams in 2017

    This year is winding up pretty quickly.  That is not always a bad thing but it does cause me to reflect and think.  How did I spend my 2016?  Am I happy with the experiences that I had and shared with those important to me?  Would I do most of it over again? What did I miss?  What would move me to execute greater dreams in 2017? What questions or statement do you talk to yourself about, if any, at the end of an experience or month or year!  These are good evaluation are excellent in any process of measurement.…

  • Blossoms Will Come

    The blossoms will come – so what you are planting does make a difference.  Take the time to look at your space.  What would you change?  How could you make that change?  These ideas are you waiting for you to plant them.  Take a look here this is a great place to start. Nancy nancy@nancywebbtodd.com