• Habits . . . . We All Have Them

    Habits – Do You Like All Of Yours? Good or bad we all have them!  Good habits can take us places.   Habits can be changed like the foods we eat, choosing healthy foods, getting exercise on a regular basis, reading for a committed amount of time each day.  The list can go on and on.  It will vary for each individual. Habits can be not so good as well also because of where they take us.  Just think of the opposite results of the habits named above. My next thought is – “Are habits created only in the physical…

  • You may not be able to control . . .

    Control You may not be able to control your first thought of the day, but you can control your second! Set yourself up for success at the beginning of your day!  Be determined and mindful today. Make it a great day – you’ll be so happy that you put in the effort.   Nancy PS – Weekend is coming. Save Save Save Save

  • Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours?

    Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours? It is just crazy some of the ideas that run through our minds at times! I just wonder “where I was” or “where the heck did that come from” Thoughts are just apart of being alive and of course that is what we want – so can we control them? I think that we can. Our thoughts are made up of what we feed ourselves. From our conversations, from TV, friends and family, what we read and listen too. Then I think that we take parts…

  • Work Hard . . .

    Work hard in silence let your success be your noise! Frank Ocean     I’d remind you that your Hard Work should be Smart Work, too!   Nancy

  • Positive Emotions: There are 7

      The 7 Positive Emotions Our lives are comprised of positive emotions and negative emotions.  So often we focus on the negative emotions in life and they are part of human nature.  Isn’t it true that – so often the negative emotions get the attention!  I think it’s because we really do want to change. Today I wanted to talk about the seven positive emotions.  Here I have a one-line definition of these seven. What are they? Desire is want that has reached the subconscious level Faith the ability to see the invisible Love it is the greatest, it is…