You have a creative mind but what are you saying to yourself. I’m sure that you’ve had this happen to you. Thoughts running around in your head even as you are doing other things and you wonder where was that hiding. Awhile back, I was listen to a conference on line – “The Science of Getting Rich”. I had been reading the book by the same name, because it was recommend to me. The conference was motivating and inspiring. Sandy Gallagher spoke a quote and seem to resonate with me. I was writing fast but still didn’t get it written…
When it happens and that “little voice in your head” talks to you, how do you react? Most of us brush it off, because we are too busy to listen. What if we took the time to jot down what that thought was, so we could pursue it at a quieter time in our day. Where do those thoughts stir from! Are they from the inner most part of our being? Our sub-conscious speaking to us because we need pick something up as we are shopping. Maybe it is a shift in the way our thoughts are headed that could…
Do list work in your life? They work for me, if I can keep them where I need them. So many apps for this any more. I like seeing things get crossed off, I guess it’s that sense of accomplishment. Having said that, I realize that all of life is not just about the accomplishment of the list, too. So much more! I found an article with a list: “21 Things I Wished I Knew When I was 21.” Where were you when you were 21? Remember what your thoughts included, then. This article is a reset. We can evaluate where…
So, the kids are back in school—MOMs, DADs, or anyone. What is your schedule like? Do you have some exciting things coming up? Think of things that motivate you and get you going. What have you waited all summer to do? Oh, wait a minute—you need to take time to breathe. You’ve finally got a break! Yes, do take time for this; we all need it and don’t do it nearly enough. The funny thing about taking time to breathe is that it doesn’t take that long to reset. I listened to Tony Robbins this morning as he talked with…
Did I catch you day-dreaming? If not, too bad – the time and place make a difference BUT we should do it often. I don’t know about you BUT I’ve still things in my life that I want to accomplish. Some may call it a “bucket list”. Whatever you call it, we should be pursuing these things. One of the things on my list is to ride a bicycle around Maine in the fall. I’ve been planning and waiting for this to happen for a while now but I haven’t given up on doing this at some point in my…