• Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours?

    Waking Thoughts . . . Serious, Funny, Worried . . . What are Yours? It is just crazy some of the ideas that run through our minds at times! I just wonder “where I was” or “where the heck did that come from” Thoughts are just apart of being alive and of course that is what we want – so can we control them? I think that we can. Our thoughts are made up of what we feed ourselves. From our conversations, from TV, friends and family, what we read and listen too. Then I think that we take parts…

  • Writing for Yourself

    Writing For Yourself Today I want to share with you some additional thoughts I’ve had about this 21 Day Writing Challenge and getting you writing for yourself. First and for most – this is for you.  Don’t get hang up with the idea that this has to be published.  The idea behind this challenge is get the thoughts that swirl in your head on paper. What you choose to do with this “paper” is up to you in the future.  So how is it going – have you started?  How do you feel? Secondly – I want you to start…

  • Freedom in Writing

    Hey guys – Happy Tuesday to you all. I’ve been part of a 21 Day Writing Challenge but just this morning I scheduled my writing time. It is crazy why we procrastinate, isn’t it! Today I wrote about that: why I did it with this challenge the frustrations why I can’t take the time to writ3 why I need to write the benefits to me and to others because I write. What a great way to start this day!  Make your day free – write today. How can you make your day free?  By releasing your thoughts to paper, your…

  • Work Hard . . .

    Work hard in silence let your success be your noise! Frank Ocean     I’d remind you that your Hard Work should be Smart Work, too!   Nancy