Personal Growth

Begin Again in 20??

So, the kids are back in school—MOMs, DADs, or anyone. What is your schedule like? Do you have some exciting things coming up? Think of things that motivate you and get you going. What have you waited all summer to do?

Oh, wait a minute—you need to take time to breathe. You’ve finally got a break! Yes, do take time for this; we all need it and don’t do it nearly enough. The funny thing about taking time to breathe is that it doesn’t take that long to reset.

I listened to Tony Robbins this morning as he talked with Oprah about his morning routine.  If you are like me, which you probably are not, sometimes a routine does not happen.  But having said that, I have a few things that I do now that haven’t always been tough.

I do take the time before I get out of bed to reflect on the kind of sleep I just awoke from.  I appreciate many things about my restful night – bed, covers, peace & quiet, no lights, and calm mind (not always, but getting better). I’m grateful for the potential of the day.  What am I going to be able to do?  What can I get accomplished?  How calm am I going to go through my day?  I get to choose what bugs me and what is going to flow off my back.  I decide that it is going to be a great day. Then is getting into that day!

I have a couple of things that I’m working into my weeks with the potential to do it daily.  I want to read more books and get more exercise.  They are on the list, but in keeping with the “calmness” in my life, I don’t stress if they don’t fit my current day.  I write down when I plan to do my reading and exercise.  Sometimes its a fit with my day, other days maybe only one of them happens.  But I know since they are on the “want to list,” and I know if they are essential to me, they will get there.

I’m using a planner that keeps me accountable and yet creative. Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Well, I don’t like that idea—it doesn’t sit well with me. So, this planner keeps my goals and dreams on track.

When was the last time you thought about the dreams and plans you used to have? Was it a few days ago, or has it been years? How do you feel about those plans and dreams? Mine are still really alive and exciting within me. I have to plan for them!

I think you should take some time this weekend to revisit the thoughts and plans that you once had. It’s fun, energizing, and just a good place to visit. Please do it.

Have an amazing Labor Day Weekend – dream BIG!
