About Nancy

Hello, Nancy here.  I’m having a good day today – Yeah, for the win. 

So many things can overwhelm me and take me into a deep hole.  I sure do HATE that. 

  • Overthinking
  • Being tired
  • Staying in a deep spot too long,
  • Self-care
  • Just feeling so busy that it’s hard to sort out what is needed right now or today,
  • Loving my responsibilities but also realize how much work is involved.
  • Not enough nourishment

These are a few things that life brings our way, or that we choose to dwell on too long.

A verse that I ponder often is – “ . . .Take every thought captive. . . “ ( 2 Corinthians 10:5)

It’s a deep one; when I’m overwhelmed, it takes me deeper.  I don’t know about you, but that is me.

A friend frequently asks, “How come you got that figure out already.”  This is when she is just figuring something out.

I answer, “In your journey, maybe you haven’t been ready to receive that message yet”.    So many things influence how we make our decisions, why we do certain things, and the habits we develop.

I now have used that thought for myself often now too.  It’s so true that our journey and the steps here on earth are different, with their own unique steps.  We shouldn’t judge ourselves against someone else, which we’ve heard many times, but until we give ourselves “grace,” we don’t believe it.

So, have I got it all figured out?  No, but I’m in a place where I’m not as hard on myself as frequently.  God’s grace is amazing. His grace is there every day for us.  When we seek Him, He guides us on how we should go.

There are many groups out there that we can benefit from.  Yes, this is one too.  When you find the message that resonates with you – jump in and be blessed every day with what you need to be the best version of yourself. 

You can do it for others, but when you do it for yourself first, you stay above water and have the air you need to breathe through this life and all you have been blessed with.

Let’s share the “journey” of life to make the daily walk a bit lighter.

See you on the inside,
